Saturday, December 8, 2007

Genesis 1:1

We had the boffer group again today and we had 10 kids come out to fight in the cold! We had a great time and I came away unscathed...except for the fat lip my son gave me when my face got in the way of a sword swing from him! Oh well...such are the risks we take when we take up the sword! :)

Today's lesson was on Genesis 1:1 and I really enjoyed discussing this one with the boys...we had some good comments and some good discussion! For all of you dads who couldn't come, I would encourage you to come on out and spend some is a great time for us as men to spend some quality time with our sons and other men, that they might see how Christian men interact and also be encouraged by the presence of godly men. I have a great time fighting with all of the boys but would not mind some other men being present to help me fight them off! :) Seriously though...any of you who read this should feel free to come join their sons...the fighting is fun but the devotion time is exhilirating too! is today's lesson:

What Creation Teaches us about God
December 8th, 2007

Read Genesis 1:1

When we think of God and whom He is, we often forget to look at this part of Him…His role as the Creator! Look with me real quickly at Job 38:1-11
God is asking a rhetorical question here…could anyone else have done what I have done?
He Himself then gives us the answer through the prophet Isaiah. Look with me at the following passages:
Isaiah 43:10-13
Isaiah 44:6-8
Isaiah 45:5-7

And then, we find the clincher in Isaiah 48:12-13

Little brothers…the revelation we see in these passages is the uniqueness of God!

Ask) What does it mean to say that something is unique? (discuss)

There is nobody like God…and nobody could have done what God has done in creating the heavens and the earth…if anyone says anything different than this then they are lying to you and you should not listen to them!
There is but one God, there is but one Creator! God alone is All Powerful…God alone is Sovereign and stands supreme!

There are those who would teach that God was once a man like us…and that those who believe as they do will someday be gods themselves! This is blasphemy pure and simple!

Let us look now at what we can learn from our chosen verse:

In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth.”

In this verse alone we can learn much…someone tell me some of the thing that we can learn (discuss)

1. We learn that God is eternal: there is a beginning to all things around us…but God existed before that beginning! He stands outside of time. This is something our human minds are incapable of totally understanding…but God has always existed! Our Triune Lord is not a creation…He always has been just as He is. (remember what we spoke about before? If He always has been as He is then it is not possible that at one time He was a man just like us except in the Person of Jesus Christ!)

2. We learn that atheism is false (here I borrow from Henry Morris): You will note that the writer of this verse does not first explain God because there was no need to! This was written during a time when everyone believed in God or a god…only in our so-called advanced age has the idea of God as false been so largely embraced! Yet Psalm 14:1 says what? (discuss)
No matter how intelligent they seem…those who doubt there is a God are fools! So do not be intimidated by someone’s education or knowledge…if they do not know God then we know what God says of them right? There is an example I’d like to point out to you…Nietsche was a man who declared the death of God! Yes indeed, he is from whom the quote “God is dead” comes from. But you know what? He died. He died a crazy man! At the end of his life, Nietsche was insane. And God still sits on His throne! The foolish words of a foolish man did not cause our Master to fall off His throne any more than a single ant could ever hope to move us even one inch by pushing on us!

3. We learn that evolution is false: God created…not random chance and not some pool of gooey stuff! And if God created, then it is not all some accident! No…out of nothing, God made everything! And just so we don’t get confused, God does not just tell us that He made all things, but in the remainder of the chapter as well as in chapter two, we are told exactly how He created! And how did He do it?
He spoke and there was;
He molded with His hands and breathed life into man.
This helps us see how foolish are those who would compromise with the “knowledge” of the world and say that God created through evolution! No…God does not allow for this explanation at all…He created!

Let us close in prayer.

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