Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Atheists: The Rascals Do Protest Too Much, Methinks!

One of my Facebook friends is fond of putting up atheistic comments and links on his status, which led me to ponder why he is so militantly "evangelistic" with his faith. To be sure, we as Christians are very vocal about proclaiming the Truth, but this is because we believe and because we are commanded to go out into all the world and make disciples of all the nations (Matthew 28:19). We have, in other words, a mission.

But the atheist?

I mean, really, I used to have a friend who was of the opinion that man had never truly been to the moon and that it was all some big government hoax. I, naturally, disagreed with him and would good naturedly argue with him at times. But to be honest, his little delusions did not compel me to go out and search all who shared his viewpoint and make them see the error of their way...nor did I take offense at his dearly held belief. Quite frankly, he was wrong.

If, however, I suspected he might be right but was scared by that possibility, then I might try to find ways to rebuke him and offer constant rebuttals to his dangerous views. That's just me. And this is what I think really motivates these militant atheists like my friend. They are bothered by Christianity and Christians not because they think it wrong, but because deep down they suspect we are right, and this truly frightens them. Therefore they MUST attack Christianity and they must find some way to disprove it; otherwise they must face the reality that one day they will face an omnipotent God, not as Savior but as Judge.

Oh if only they would turn to Him now before the hour is past!

1 comment:

Zorn Family said...

Great thoughts Ezequiel! I too have often wondered why they are so vehemently against Christianity. If you don't believe, then why is it such a big deal to keep bringing it up? You're right, because of the fear that they could very well be wrong.