Thursday, October 18, 2007

Youth Group at Heritage Bible Church

Hello everyone! Tonight I wish to share a little about the youth group at the church we are attending. Since the youth group meets on Thurday nights when the only other thing going on is practice for the music worship team, I don't just drop off my boys but actually sit in on the event, which is from 7pm to 8:30pm.

Back before the cold weather set in, the evening would start off with an outdoor activity, whether it be volleyball, bocci (sp?), or slip and slide. Now, however, the evening begins with some billiards or ping pong or some other inside game. This lasts for about 30 minutes and then the group gathers around for some singing followed by a lesson. Two weeks ago the group started in on a study book called "Fundamentals of the Faith" which is put out by Grace Community Church (John MacArthur). I am very impressed with it so far. Anyhow, what I like the most about the youth group is the attitude of the leaders, which was summed up by some comments I heard today. Our youth leader is actually one of the elders of the church (the associate pastor) and he has a passion for teaching kids the Word of God. He focused today on what the Scriptures say about Jesus the OT promises, anticipates, and presents Him, while the NT manifests, reveals, and explains Him.

In the midst of all of this he told the kids present that what he wants most of all is for them to love and treasure the Word of God because it is the only way to know our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. He then told them bluntly and without apology that the purpose of a youth group is not to have fun but to study the Word of God. He asked them whether or not they spend all day having fun or not...and then asked them how much actual time they spend studying their Bibles. Therefore, he said, it should not be too much of a burden to come together for about an hour once per week and focus on Him. Not that having fun was bad, and that the games we start out are okay, but that the main focus is not the games but the Word. He told them that if because of the focus on the Word of God some feel that it is too boring and they don't want to come that he is okay with that. And trust me, he wasn't being rude...just trying to get across to them how much he values obedience to God (in his case obedience meaning the teaching of His Word).

He told the kids that when he was young he attended a youth group that focused mainly on having fun...occasionally opening up the Bible for a few minutes. He said how so many of his friends were into who were attending youth group! The failure of those leaders was that they thought bringing these kids into the youth group and keeping them there was more important than actually teaching them! Boy, did that bring to my mind the youth group at the church I previously attended!

Anyhow, I was so impressed by his words, as I've been impressed since we began attending this church regularly. It's funny how a few months ago my wife and I had been having semi-serious discussions about moving to Spokane to be near family...but only a few days ago I told my wife that there is no way I can leave the area now...because I have finally found a church where His Word is pre-eminent in the pulpit and in the youth group. I haven't felt so well fed in many many years and I cannot leave this area in order to go somewhere else where I might not find the same thing!

That's all I wanted to share! :)

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