Tuesday, October 28, 2008

2 Corinthians 5:17

"Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new."

I was really struck this morning by the power of these words, and they made me think of something from last night. At the time I was working out at the gym...those of you who know me are well aware that I put plenty of effort into maintaining the incredible physique with which God has gifted me! Okay, not really, the truth is that my body is more of a giant cathedral than a humble temple and I'm trying to downsize...but that's not the real issue here so let's move on. ;-)

While at the gym, I happened to walk near a group of fellow Hispanic guys who were talking about someone else they knew, mentioning that this individual was a member of La Raza. Now, to any conspiracy buff who may be reading this, La Raza does not refer to some secret club of Hispanics whose ultimate goal is to "reconquer" the Southwest for Mexico. While that makes for great scare tactics, Christians should let go of such silliness. But I digress again. What the unintentional eavesdropping made me think about was my own life. You see, when I was a young teen I used to swell with pride at the thought of being a member of La Raza, the People. To be a part of some kind of brotherhood was humbling, even if most of our time and energies was then spent in trying to beat the living daylights out of those poor fellow brothers who happened to claim some different affiliation (okay, gang).

What about now? Well, I've matured that's for sure. I still am very proud of my heritage...it will always be a part of me. But far more important than anything else to me is my Christian heritage. I am proud to be a slave to my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Nothing else matters more to me than this, no other identification causes me more joy. To be called by His name is my greatest desire, and to serve Him all the days of my life is my ultimate goal. Family, work, all else comes as a distant second in my affections. And why is this? Why, if not for the simple truth that upon being sealed by the Holy Spirit I became a new creation. Whereas I was once spiritually dead I am now alive. Whereas I once despised and considered it a weakness to believe in God, now I consider it a joy to be called a fool for Christ.

These were my thoughts today, and even now as I prepare for bed I think about who I used to be and marvel at what He has made me. Truly it is He that gives the increase, for there is no other way to explain how the person I used to be has become the person I now am.

Thank you Lord Jesus!

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