Friday, October 31, 2008

Making It Acceptable by Calling it "Christian"

I had an interesting invitation today on my LibraryThing account today that left me just a tad confused. Somebody commented on my profile, saying that they thought I'd enjoy a new group they've started called "Transsexuals for Christ." lol

Now anyone who knows me is free to take a look at my library, and if you can figure out why exactly they were led to believe that I would even consider joining such a group, please share that with me!

The invitation did make me think, however, about how all kinds of groups that lead lifestyles contrary to the teachings of Christ are so set upon claiming His name for themselves. Why is that? Seriously, if you want to take part in such behaviors, that is up to you. But don't try to justify your behavior by pasting the word "Christian" in front of your group name! I know that all of us have some area in our lives that we just don't seem to have complete control over...that challenges us daily even. None of us who call Jesus Lord, however, would try to excuse their behavior by suddenly saying, "hey, it's not really a sin! I'm a "Christian" gambler, or a "Christian" adulterer! ;-)

No, whatever struggles we face, let us strive to defeat them for His glory and through His grace. Don't call it what it is not.

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