Friday, January 1, 2010

"Rules for my Unborn Son" by Walker Lamond

I received this book and on the same day I finished reading was THAT good! Now, this is not your typical book that you read from cover to cover (though that is exactly what I did!). As you might imagine, it is written in the form of snippets of advice by Mr. Lamond to his son. As he says in his introduction, many of these are sayings he picked up from his own father, though he has taken the liberty of modernizing them to include internet etiquette ("Never post a picture online you wouldn't feel comfortable showing your mother, your boss, and the dean of administration" from page 100). Yes, many of these are common sense...but isn't that exactly what we need to hear over and over?

In his introduction, Lamond says that boys need rules and that "somewhere along the way, rules got a bad name...[r]ules were seen as antiquated obstacles...and the game of life suddenly got a bit sloppier, more uncertain, and even a bit less fun." Which, in my humble opinion, is quite profound!

On the day I received the book, before I even read the introduction, I opened it up to the first little entry and read the following: "When in doubt, wear a tie." I knew from that moment this would be my kind of book...and it was! This is the kind of book every male should read. Not that every entry is necessarily true for everyone, but the simple idea that rules are there for a reason is something the men of our society need to understand. If only we could return to a time when men were men not because they cussed or had sex with lots of women, but because they took responsibility for their own actions and understood that sometimes we have to do what is right...even when we'd rather just do what is easy.

Do I recommend this book? Without any hesitation! This is a keeper and belongs on the bookshelves of every home!

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