Monday, September 17, 2007

President Mohler attacked!

As some of you may know, President Mohler has been attacked on the SBCOutpost blog publicly by Boyd Luter, and anonymously by a professor at either Southern or Southwestern. In his blog, Luter praised SBC President Page for his moderation and his self-controlled manner, and then unleashed an unprovoked attack upon Mohler and his associates, saying that Mohler's seminary report to the SBC messengers was "angry populist rhetoric."

He also outrightly accuses Mohler and other leaders in the Conservative Resurgence as being in sin, saying:

"But, you say, how do I know what they did in San Antonio [where the 2007 annual meeting was held back in June] was sin? Very simply: Mohler and the other entity heads in question were already heating up (anger-wise) on Tuesday night even before the vote, got even much more heated after the vote and were fully incensed on Wednesday morning, when the outcome of the vote was made public. Very specifically, in the way Paul expresses things in Ephesians 4:26-27, that is “letting the sun go down on your anger,” which is sin.
And, although this applies just as much to any of us, considering the expected candidacy of Al Mohler for President of the Convention in 2008 in Indianapolis, it is worth asking: Why should the SBC elect someone who allowed himself to be angrily controlled by the flesh in making his seminary report in San Antonio? Why would we elect someone to the highest office in the Southern Baptist Convention who gave the Devil a foothold in his life through his anger (Ephesians 4:27)?
Honestly, why should we respect a man who does not display the spiritual sensitivity and wisdom to responsibly own his sin and humbly apologize to the Convention? I know that I would very much respect such humble contrition, but not the macho stonewalling on this subject now over two months in duration."

Having publicly maligned Mohler and others, Luter adds "Who does Mohler–and his fellow entity heads–think they’re fooling spiritually? Apparently themselves, because they’re not fooling God and the only part of the SBC they’re fooling is the CR rank-and-file, with whom they can do no wrong."

Did you get that? Only we ignorant followers of Mohler could possibly believe him and his fellows! Only those of us who consider ourselves conservatives would support such a man because, of course, the doctrines of grace have so led us astray that we are unable to do anything but blindly follow our leaders! Please! The true motive for this attack is made clear when you reread a portion of what Luter says above, " considering the expected candidacy of Al Mohler for President of the Convention in 2008 in Indianapolis." is this what the problem is? Are the enemies of conservative, Scriptural theology within the Southern Baptist Convention already gearing up to ambush and destroy the candidacy of Mohler for SBC President? It would seem like it dont you think? Think about it...the Founder's group is led by a professor at Southern Seminary who is also a good friend to Dr. Mohler; and Mohler himself has unequivocally stated his belief in the doctrines of grace. Is this the real problem? Keep in mind that within the SBC there are many pastors vigorously opposed to these doctrines...the pastor of the church I just came out of once told me that if the Founders ever gained control of the SBC he would need to make a hard choice because of how strongly he opposed them (this same pastor presented me with "a hard choice" of whether to remain in his church...preferring this tidy option to the messy one of actually confronting sin and borderline heresy within the church). So we see how truly scary it must seem for the enemies of Mohler to visualize him as President in 2008!

Well, enough of my rant. Yes, I am an admirer of Dr. Mohler; I make no apologies for admiring this stalwart man of God. And yes, I identify with the goals of the Founders. But if you think there is any basis or foundation for the rabid attacks upon Mohler, check out the posted link to the actual speech of Dr. Mohler in which he is supposedly sinning by his anger! See for yourself a supposedly angry Mohler delivering his seminary report. Then tell me Luter has noble intentions. All I see is the passion that makes Mohler the man of God I've always thought him to be...all I hear is the same zealousness for Him that I've heard countless times in his sermons before his seminary students.

I was already suspicious and wary of Luter for his editorship of the NLT version of The Life Recover Bible (keep in mind the NLT is gender neutral), but now I am completely disillusioned with him.

Anyhow, link to Mohler's delivery below. I have watched the video presentation a number of times, and all I see is a man of conviction who loves the Lord. But hey, I'm just one of those "CR rank-and-file" peasants.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Your former pastor (my former pastor as well), didn't really leave you with much of a "hard choice." The choice was clear, leave that church or continue to compromise.

Luter wants the same thing, Moler to leave so the SBC can continue to compromise and further embrace the seeker sensitive and emergent church movements. It's all about growth and numbers you know.

I too adhere to the same beliefs as the founders and Dr. Moler and thank them for their bold stand for the Truth and not giving in to the bullies in the SBC.

Todd Wright