Wednesday, February 4, 2009

It's Not Your Theology Stupid, It's You Being Stupid...hmmm, I Think Not!

The other day during my lunch break I listened to a sermon by Dr. Bill Heinard, Sr. Pastor of Porter Memorial Baptist Church in Louisville, Kentucky. Dr. Heinard was preaching at Southern Seminary on March 27th, 2008, and his text was Genesis 39:1-9.

While I liked most of what he had to say, there was one part that I disagreed with and I wanted to briefly share here why that was. He was discussing humility and integrity and said that he knew some men who were almost proud of having been asked to leave a church because of doctrinal issues. While I agree nobody should take pride in this, Dr. Heinard said that these men and others are "not fired for theology, but for being stupid." He maintained that it was them not being honest with their congregations from the beginning that got them fired. I don't, of course, know the particulars of the men he referred to, but I do know that the current president of the SBC once said that candidates should be open with search committee's if they are Calvinist. Now, why this should even be an issue I don't know...why not tell Arminians to be honest about their Arminianism?

At any rate, Dr. Heinard is either clueless or purposefully trying to confuse, because most times when a man is let go due to his theology it is because his listeners disagreed with him...not because he was stupid. It is NOT stupid to teach and preach the Word of God, which like it or not tends to sound pretty much like what we call Calvinism! Or does Dr. Heinard believe we should stop praying for the lost? What about asking God to change hearts?

So I disagree with Dr. Heinard and I think he did a disservice to these men he referred to as friends of his. If they were truly stupid then they should not have been in a position of teaching...but if they were fired for believing what is clearly taught in Scripture, then they have nothing to be ashamed of.

Finally, though, I caught a possible glimpse into what Dr. Heinard feels is truly worthy of focusing on. He said later on that "[his] theology ought to make [him] love people." I agree and disagree. Yes, we will have a love for the lost when we love God...but our theology should make us love GOD! All of our theology needs to point us to the One, because Scripture points us to Him. Anything else is man-centered and unworthy of us who claim to serve Him.

God Bless

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