Monday, March 9, 2009

President Obama & Stem Cell Research

I hope that all those self professing Christians who overlooked Obama's pro-abortion stance and voted for him are ashamed of themselves now.  I hope they look in the mirror, and if they are truly saved, that they beg God's forgiveness for their sin.  I'm sorry if I sound unduly harsh, but I don't know how else to call it when someone professing to be a Believer, one who considers him/herself redeemed by the blood of Christ, when this person sets aside moral issues in favor of economic ones.  To have been willing to be taken in by charisma and "hope" outside of Scripture and willingly, nay joyously, vote for this man who is now our President is a travesty.  All of you, if you are my brothers and sisters in the Lord, I pray you will seek Him in the Word and not justify the actions of this man.

You surely all know by now that just today our President reversed a ban on federally funded embryonic stem cell research.  Yes, our country has slipped down the moral slide even more.   According to President Obama, ideology has driven science for far too long, and his actions will somehow protect science from being bullied by nasty ideology.  Except for one thing: science has shown that it is adult stem cell research that has shown promise, NOT embryonic stem cell research.  So, based on his own ideology, President Obama has ensured the killing of even more babies.  Great.  This is what you voted for, O Christian man and woman.  

In my local newspaper, the Idaho Press-Tribune, I read how one Dr. Curt Civin made the following statement: "We've got eight years of science to make up for,...Now, the silly restrictions are lifted."  Silly restrictions?  Yes, how silly to believe that when an egg is fertilized by a sperm it should receive protection.  How stupid to believe that this life has value.  Ah, you might reply, it is only a potential human!  Well, yes, and as one author I once read so eloquently put it, this is certainly not a potential dog or cow!  Lie to yourself all you want and call this life potential anything, but until the day comes when you know without a shadow of a doubt at what point the transformation takes place that makes this life fully human, you are supporting murder.  

Civin's reply to this?  "This was already life that was going to be destroyed, the choice is to throw them away or use them for research."  Can we make an apology now to the Nazi concentration camp doctors who experimented on inmates?  I mean, that was life that was going to be destroyed anyhow right?  Why did we hang those doctors?  As for choices, Christians have been offering up another one for years, how about placing those embryos in willing mothers who are unable to have their own children?  You know, that thing called adoption?  And did Civin just call fertilized embryos life?  There you have it.  It's life.  Who cares though when millions and millions of dollars are on the balance?  

I had hoped during the election that Christians cared.  

"Whoever receives one little child like this in My name receives Me." Matthew 18:5

And yes, I know the context is different for that verse, but it applies here so very well.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Totally agree with you here. I am livid at the left of the ban.
I did not vote for him, but I do pray for him. I will not support him in this though or overlook it.
I really do believe we as a country are getting what we wanted though, and God is letting us have just a bit of what we deserve.
Maybe if enough true believers hit their knees and then their phones and fax machines set on speed dial to their government representatives we will begin to claim a promise from 2 Chronicles
if my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and will heal their land.