Friday, April 3, 2009

Reputation vs. Character

I was finishing up reading the book "Dominion" a couple of weeks ago when I came across a quote that was pretty profound. Dominion is a Randy Alcorn book (isbn# 1-57673-661-x), so you know it's going to be really really good! :)

I confess that this is the book I like least written by Alcorn, but it is still a good book. In the book, Clarence Abernathy is investigating the murder of his sister and his niece, and when he gets a bit too close to the truth he is set up. He is accused of rape and everyone but his close friends and family believes him to be guilty. There is a powerful scene where Clarence is speaking to his father and he breaks down and tells him all a man has is his reputation...and his has been ruined. His father looks at him and says, (i'm paraphrasing) no son, all a man has is his character, and nobody can take that away.

I was struck by the truth of this statement. The world can believe what it wants of us, but as Christians our worth rests upon our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Let the world mock us, let it accuse us falsely of crimes...our true brothers and sisters in Christ will stand by us till the end. And even if not...what does it matter if the Lord is for us?

No matter what befalls us, let us continue to serve Him with zeal. And if we are truly His, then if we ever find ourselves falsely accused we will be ultimately vindicated by our Lord...maybe not in this life, but definitely in the next. That life, dear brethren, is so very real. And you know what? When troubles come our way, those who truly know us...who know our character, they will stand by us.

Praise God!

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