Thursday, August 30, 2007

"Christian" Inclusivism

I'm going to try and include a video in this post so I hope it works...

Did you hear what the Methodist gentleman was saying? I wish that we could all say that "Christians" who believe such trash are far and few between (is that the right expression?) but the reality is that they are NOT!! Sadly there are probably more so called Christians who would side with him than with Pastor John MacArthur on this issue. And incidentally, kudos to MacArthur for the courage to say the things he did!

The words spoken by the Methodist man remind me of how blind some people are and how willing to blaspheme our Lord in order to gain acceptance by the world, a world that is set against us and hates us because the Lord we serve is indeed a stumbling block and a rock of offense to them. And I daresay that the Emergent church movement is representative of this kind of stupidity, heresy, and cowardice. That movement, born of a worthy desire to see faith be relevant, has gone to the extreme of teaching that we cannot truly know what Scripture says! And unfortunately so many once conservative churches are heading straight into that cesspool, jumping in with their mouths wide open out of a desire to see their churches grown in number rather than in true strength...the strength that comes only from a strong dedication to teaching and preaching the Word of God.
