Friday, August 31, 2007

"Christian" Inclusivism Part 2

Wow. So after last night's post, having put that little rant behing me, I'm sitting at work on my break relaxing while reading the July 2007 issue of Newsweek when I see the following from the Letters section of the magazine:

"...the key concepts of love, charity, social justice, forgiveness, humility, and courage provide the foundation for all major religions. As a Christian, my faith has beeen strengthened by studying and teaching the world's religions...the realization that the core values of the major religions' founders and true followers are indeed very similar provided me with hope and comfort. People of all faiths strive in different ways toward deeper understanding and practice of those values essential to meaningful faith."

The context here is that this gentleman who professes Christ was responding to the Newsweek question "Are the Major Religions Essentially Alike?" The answer from the author of the letter above was "true."

Think about's someone who identifies himself as a Believer, a Christian, and believes that all major religions are alike...this means he believes Islam and Christianiy are similar...he believes Buddhism and Christianity are similar. How does this make any sense whatsoever? How unless we understand that too many people call themselves Christians who are anthing BUT lovers of Christ. Did Jesus not say "I am the way, the truth and the life, no one comes to the Father except through Me"? How do we understand this comment? I think, and forgive me for stating the obvious, but i think that Jesus meant that NO ONE comes to the Father except through HIM!!

As with the Methodist gentleman from the last post, the writer of the letter above has no true understanding of what it means to be a follow the One who says of Himself "I am the Lord, and there is no other; There is no God besides Me." No other God...all others are therefore false! For he says again "There is no other God" and "Is there a God besides Me? Indeed there is no other Rock; I know not one." Let us who profess Christ stop fooling ourselves...God is our King and His Word is our guiding light. Believe nothing else...not your "feelings" not your "gut instinct" NONE of that! Rely solely on the Word of God for what we believe...either that or stop blaspheming the name of God by claiming Him.

1 comment:

Zorn Family said...

I also wonder about people who claim to be Christians, yet go on to say that as long as a person has some kind of faith, they'll be ok (talking about eternal life). It's sad and most of the time, I think these people just pick a religion to try and identify with, rather than truly believe that religion (or even understand it). But a spokesperson for Christianity saying this? Very sad, indeed.