Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Exodus 10:1-20

This lesson from Exodus is one I presented at Trinity Baptist Church back in about 1998-99. I post it here for my readers (however many of you there are!):

Verses1 & 2:
From God’s own mouth we have His declaration that all He has done, He has done it for Israel! All of His works are for the sake of His people and to consummate the promises which he has made them. How does this apply to us today? Think Salvation!

Read John 10:22-30
John 17:6-12, 20-26
Romans 8:33-39
Ephesians 1:13 & 14
Philippians 1:3-6
1 Peter 3-5

Does not God make us promises just as He did to the nation of Israel? Why is it then, that we so often lead lives of despair? Should we not live daily in victory knowing that we possess something that nobody can take away from us?

Note from verse 3 that God demands submission, He does not plead for it, nor beg us to accept His gifts. Furthermore, God demands for His people the right to worship Him. This tells us that we must make worship of God our #1 priority, it must, in fact, be the focus of our entire lives!

Read John 14:15, 19-24

This is why self-examination is so important!
Are we walking in obedience to God?
Do we read our bibles daily and with excitement?
Why do we memorize Scripture? Just because it kills time?
Because we seek to implant His words into our minds both in obedience and in Love! Every action we take should be given close attention to make sure that we do it to bring glory to God, and since we represent God to the world, we need to take this a little more seriously than our jobs, our schooling, and even our personal relationships with our spouses! And realize this, placing God first as a couple, together being in obedience to God, will make the relationship more secure than putting aside God to focus on one another!
Questions or comments so far?

The next few verses (4-6) provide us with a picture of the reality that consequences do come from failing to obey the Word of God. These consequences apply also to those whom the person being judged protects. And…just as Pharaoh was responsible for the lives of his people, men are responsible for the well-being of their own families!
We see two things then,
Believing men are responsible, and accountable, for the spiritual instruction which they give to, or withhold from, their wives and children.
The non-Believer is held accountable for those children whom he misleads for the sake of not submitting to God!
Read Matthew 18:1-6

Verses 7-11:
Here we note the following:
The servants of Pharaoh , meaning his people, are pretty tired of the suffering they have had to endure due to his hard-hearted attitude.

This much we can see…but do you see what it is they ask of Pharaoh? Do they say, “give the Israelites what they want”? NO!
Even in their submission they want things their way…they are no better than their leader! So even Pharaoh “submits” to God and lets Moses and Israel go, but only the men can go. Why?
As surety for their return! So Pharaoh also wants things done according to his own terms!
This points to the depravity in which Pharaoh and his people existed…for we all know that only the depraved unregenerate soul behaves in this manner right? Obviosuly NOT!

We see from verse 9 another beautiful picture of the responsibility God has placed on men. We cannot compromise the spiritual growth and maturity of our children for the sake of anything! *What good is it for us to dutifully attend the worship services and leave our children at home to sleep?
*What good does it do them if when we study our Bibles we tell them to stay away so we can spend time with God?

Finally, we see that in his anger, Pharaoh drives Moses and Aaron out of his court, and he does so expecting them to do as he had ordered, in other words, he wants them to obey him rather than the Lord!
We should all know by now that when rulers placed by God over us want us to do something that directly contradicts the Word of God, we have a responsibility to obey God rather than Man.
Incidentally, when Moses and Aaron are driven out, I don’t think they were gently escorted to the door, but thrown out with violence…which is the treatment we should expect when we stand firm for the things of God!
Now, God’s servants have been mishandled, and His words have been ignored…how do you suppose the Lord will respond?

Verses 12-15:
Let us say this: When God gives a warning, it is perhaps best if we take heed and obey! Still, Pharaoh can be seen as just another representation of how people do not take seriously the Word of God. Even today! God’s Word gives warning, yet few respond to it.
What is it that makes people ignore the Word of God?
Is it our culture? If so, how is it similar to Egypt’s?

Verses 16-20:
We see here again how Moses faithfully intercedes on behalf of Pharaoh, despite having reason to believe that he is less then sincere in his repentance…just as we must faithfully intercede for the un-Believing friends and family who are ignorant of God.
We also see the tragedy of Pharaoh. Again, his heart was hardened. If nothing else, this latest plague should have let him know that God meant what He said!
Any questions or comments?

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