Saturday, August 25, 2007

Genesis 3:1-5

This is a study I have created for the boffer group that meets at my house. The boys that come range in age from 6-14 and we have a great time swordfighting (with fake swords!) and having fellowship. The last time we met we started having a Bible study as an outreach tool for those kids who come who may not know the Lord.

Anyhow, that is the intended audience so when you read the study be aware of it! :)
Ask: How many of you believe that when you die, you will go to heaven?

Ask: Why do you believe this? (the response should be “the Bible says it…”

Ask someone to recite 2 Timothy 3:16-17
The Word of God is entirely trustworthy BECAUSE God is entirely trustworthy. Those who would say they do not believe in the Bible…do NOT believe God!!! For He is the Author of the Bible and Jesus is the Word of God…John 1:1

Now then…earlier you said you believe you will go to heaven…let me ask this: on what basis will you get there? What allows you to get to heaven? (response should be “the blood of Christ”)

Jesus, dying on the cross made your salvation certain!

Now then, the blood of Christ atones for your sin because He was perfect and loved you so much He chose to die so that you could have eternal life! BUT, did you know that unless you also keep do good things you cannot get into heaven? (pause to allow them to contradict you)
You do not agree with this? But the Word of God in 1 John 2:3 says that we can know we are His “if we keep His commandments”? Don’t you believe this?

Ok, ok…you are correct! The Word of God tells us in Ephesians 2:8-9 that “by grace [we] have been saved through faith, and that not of [ourselves]; it is the gift of God, not of works, lest anyone should boast.”
So, then, the good works that we do are not for our salvation, but to serve Him as our Lord. So what we read in 1 John does NOT teach that if we do good works and keep the commandments we will be saved…it teaches that those who are saved, will do the works of God and be obedient to Him.
Now, today’s lesson is from Genesis 3:1-5...let’s examine it and find out why in the world I brought up all this other stuff!

Read Genesis 3:1-5
The reason I wanted to discuss what we did is because I want to stress to you how important it is for us to have a solid understanding of what the Bible teaches. We do not read our Bibles so we can impress our friends with our knowledge, or to puff ourselves up with pride. If that is your reason for studying and reading then you need to rethink your walk with God. No, we read and we study so that we are not misled by the devil!
When he comes to us and says, “Has God indeed said…?” then we can turn to that which we have hidden in our heats (Psalm 119:11) And believe me, the devil sends his servants to try and confuse you and mislead you and make you doubt God…the evil one will say to you as he did to Eve, “You will not surely die…” Because the last thing Satan wants is an on-fire servant of the Lord! The last thing he wants is to see us faithfully serving God!
Ask: Whom do YOU want to please? God? Or Satan?
Let us serve God, then, by being in the Word
Let us serve God by opposing the schemes of Satan
Let us serve God totally and without any doubts…and when you feel doubt coming upon you, rebuke Satan and turn to God’s in prayer…and go to your parents and those adults you know who love God totally and are wise.
Let us pray.

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