Saturday, June 27, 2009

Watching Movies

I just read a really good article by John Piper in which he discusses why he does not have a television and why he rarely catches a movie. Read the whole article here. For now, I just wanted to quote him on a distinction he makes between violent movies, profanity, and nudity/sex...I found it quite interesting, even if I don't completely agree with him on all of it. Still, he is a voice to be listened to and I respect him immensely, so here goes a part I found fascinating!

"I have a high tolerance for violence, high tolerance for bad language, and zero tolerance for nudity. There is a reason for these differences. The violence is make-believe. They don’t really mean those bad words. But that lady is really naked, and I am really watching. And somewhere she has a brokenhearted father"

Thoughts from anyone?


Anonymous said...

I agree with him basically, however I would like to know how high he can tolerate violence. There are movies in the horror genre that glorify violence. I think everyone needs to come to their own convictions on what is bad violence and profanity wise, but there are situations where it cannot be tolerated and where it is obviously too extreme.

Enoch_Elijah said...

I agree with you on the issue of violence...i have zero tolerance, for example, of movies that show extreme butchery (horror movies as you've mentiond) with the sole intention of grossing out or scaring people. I have no problem, on the other hand, watching a movie such as The Dark Knight.

Lydia Lee said...

I haven't read his whole article, so I'm not sure exactly all what he says, but I have to disagree with him on the violence. Yes, it is not actually happening, but when it appears on the TV screen, it is entering your mind and causing images to stay, and thought processes to happen which would never have happened otherwise - things which can affect a person quite negatively. And yes, I'm sure most guys have a higher tolerance for such violence than I do, since that stuff tends to make me sick ... but still, should we really be allowing such negative imagery to dwell in our minds when we are commanded to think on things that are "pure, lovely, and honorable"? To me, it does not make much of a difference if it is "really happening" behind the camera or not - the point is that on the screen, they are making it appear like it is really happening, and one way or the other, it becomes disturbing ...

JoyBeth said...

You all have good things to say about this subject, and one thing that I've come to the realization is that I need to be more tolerant of the convictions of others. Not every Christian out there is going to have the same convictions as I do, and that's okay. If their conviction doesn't go against Scripture, then I need to give others the leeway to have their different ideas.

The example of violence and "darkness" goes along with what I am trying to say. Most of the guys in my house like "dark" movies like "The Dark Knight". In fact, one of my sisters also enjoys this movie. I personally do not care for the parts I have seen and do not feel comfortable watching it. Since my uncomfortable feeling is not backed up in the Bible, I would be wrong to judge them for watching it, just as they would be wrong to judge me for not wanting to watch it.

I know Christians who read fantasy books that I personally do not feel comfortable with. However, once again I have no biblical backup for my discomfort. I will not read those books, but I will not pass judgment on those who do.

Lydia Lee said...

Joy - you have excellent thoughts on the matter. This is something I continually need to work on in my life - not judging others convictions when they don't line up exactly with my own (as I would not their judgement on me for my convictions!). Thank you for this reminder, and I will continue to try and be gracious with the convictions of others!

Zorn Family said...

Joy, I'm kind of with you on your thoughts-particularly in a house full of "men." Ok, one man, one boy and a baby that doesn't care yet. But he will. I also have come to the realizationt that we all have different standards and tolerations (is that a word?) of different things. Some things bother me, but part of it could be because of my personality-I just don't find certain things interesting (science fiction for example) and other things do bother me even if I know they're not real (some violence). BUT, I can't judge others for watching certain things that I don't like or think isn't good. Partially because I'm not sure if I might think it's bad only because it doesn't interest me. As you say, Joy, unless I can clearly find it in the Bible, I can't pass judgment. 2 things do bother me in an extreme way though-profanity and nudity. The more you hear profanity, the more likely you'll start thinking those words in your head. And nudity and sex-well-that's pretty obvious as well! :-) Not things that God wants me to be seeing I'm sure.

Enoch_Elijah said...

Wow...awesome comments from everyone and interesting that this link motivated more comments than anything other than my Nampa Library post of over a year ago!

Understandable though because movies are a powerful medium and evoke such passionate reactions! :-)

I have to say that I agree with everyone here pretty much because I completely see Lydia's point and always wonder as I watch a movie if I am honoring God through what I I rationalizing what I watch because I enjoy it? I don't know and honestly have no clear answer! I dislike profanity very much for reasons I've discussed before and I definitely don't want to see nudity! I do not believe ANY man can look upon female nudity and not have it affect them in a sinful manner (except in the case of marriage where it is not sinful of course).

Anyhow, the best thing to come from this post is this discussion of what is indeed the biblical way to handle it...and I think that we all need to come to our own conclusions where the Word remains silent. is always good to challenge one another in love and I thank you all for your contributions!

We have such a GREAT family don't we? ;-)