Monday, June 30, 2008

What is Trust?

"Preserve me, O God, for in You I put my trust."
- Psalm 16:1

Much of my comfort these recent days has come from the Psalms and from the book of Job, and this verse I read this morning struck me as profound when combined with something I read yesterday. You see, yesterday afternoon, while my family played an exciting game of "Settlers of Cataan" (excellent game!) I spent my time reading from the book of Job. Much in that book is convicting of course, but one verse specifically spoke to me. I will tell you in a moment what verse that was, but first let me point you towards the one above. Why do we turn to God in our times of trouble? Is it not because He is the only One who can truly preserve us? Preservation here does not mean complete rescue from heartache and danger, for we know from the life of David that much of what he wrote was as he was in danger of losing his kingdom and even his life to his own son!

Therefore, trusting in His ability to preserve us speaks to His care for our eternal future. No matter what trials and tribulations we face on this earth, they are a mere inconvenience when laid on a scale against the bounty of His blessings that await us in heaven! What a true comfort and joy this provides!

But read carefully now the following from Job:

"Though He slay me, yet will I trust Him."
- Job 13:15

There now lies the challenge don't you think? Even if my death is required...even if the loss of reputation is at hand...even if possessions and financial stability are at risk...even then will my trust be in Him. This, then, to my thinking, is the hardest thing to do! I may be willing to lay my life down and trust Him as my enemies surround me, but am I willing to lose my honor, my integrity, and my reputation...AND continue to trust in Him? Only through His merciful grace! Because on my own I would much rather perish totally...but by His grace we are able to praise Him while being dragged through the mud by those who hate us.

Indeed, in a moment of weakness I was thinking earlier today that I could easily understand those cultures in which dishonor could only be atoned for by the taking of one's own life. I sympathized with those whose honor was besmirched and who ended it all in order to regain that lost honor...if only for the sake of their families! But you know what? Such an attitude is a slap upon the face of God! Because if we believe that He is truly Sovereign, then we must accept that even the most trying circumstances come to us by His will. The answer lies not in despairing over what others will think of lies in seeking from the Word the comfort only He gives, and it comes from sifting through one's trials and seeking to learn from them. Maybe the Lord wants me to be more understanding...more patient...less quick to judge...more loving towards my fellow man. Whatever it is, His will be done in my life.

And indeed, may I join with Job in saying: "Though he slay me, yet will I trust in Him."



Zorn Family said...


Anonymous said...

Just this morning, I read Psalm 37:7 which says, "Rest in the Lord, and wait patiently for Him; Do not fret because of him who prospers in his way, because of the man who brings wicked schemes to pass." The phrase "wait patiently for Him" really caught my attention. Waiting patiently and with a good attitude can be so difficult, and yet that is exactly what God wants us to do. He wants us to REST in Him. I ask myself, "How many trials will it take before I learn to completely rest in Him and wait patiently for HIS will to be done in my life?"