Thursday, January 1, 2009

Happy New Year!


Amazing isn't it? How quickly time passes by, especially the older we get! :)

This year I welcomed the new year playing games with my family, including a game of "Settlers of Cataan" and some power rounds of chess. At midnight my sister in law proceeded to wash dishes, the boys went to bed, and I looked out the window at fireworks for a bit until I decided to read and go to bed. It was a wonderful evening.

2008 for me was a year of mixed reviews...well, not really. Regardless of what happened, I know that God is indeed sovereign and so I am content in the knowledge that His Word promises indeed that all things work for our good. I've written so often in the past of how this by no means says that all good things happen to us, and I would be a hypocrite if I did not accept that which God planned for my life with humility and total trust. May it please the Lord to help me stand firm all the days of my life.

So as I bid farewell to 2008, I think of what lessons the Lord has brought my way. For one, as many of you are aware, this Summer was one of the most, if not THE most difficult of my life. A false accusation was brought my way, and by the grace of God those who know me stood by me and supported me without any reservation. While everything has turned out well so far, who knows what may come up from this incident in my life. Yet my trust is totally in the Lord my God, and my vindication comes in Him. Positive outcome from all of this was that I was able to see how many true friends I had by the love and support I received. In my own neighborhood there were a couple of families who immediately assured me of their confidence in me, they cried with me and offered total support, without any reservation or hesitation whatsoever.

One of the best things to have come out of this situation was the bonding with a brother in Christ from my old church. This man gave me much comfort and prayed with me throughout. Out of his willingness to be there for me I have found an accountability and study partner, which by the grace of God all of us men need.

So, as my hero Joseph said, that which others planned for evil, God used for good! Would I want to go through it again? Yes and no. Yes if it is the only way by which I could have learned what I did and found the Christian fellowship I did. No because it was so hard. Even so, may I always be ready to stand firm by my convictions.

As 2009 begins, I will try, by the grace of God, to remain above reproach in all my dealings with people. I have identified areas in my life that needed discipline and I hope to abolish those tendencies. But above all, may every day of this year be one in which my desire will be to serve Him and honor Him in all aspects of my life.

And how can I end but as I did last year? I cannot, and so:

"He who testifies to these things says, “Surely I am coming quickly.” Amen. Even so, come, Lord Jesus!"

May His return indeed be soon...Amen!

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