Monday, January 19, 2009

My Rambled Thoughts for Tonight!

So a few days ago I finished reading Ann Coulter's new book, "Guilty: Liberal "Victims" and Their Assault On America." I have to say that I really really like her books, not only because of her good analysis of the political climate, but mostly because she makes me laugh. I know that many people do not like her books, but I think too many of them forget that while she is dead serious about what she writes...she writes in a manner intended to be humorous. Well, this book is no different, and I want to share one particular part here that not only was laugh out loud funny, but pretty good commentary upon our society as well. Towards the middle of the book she is discussing the "theft" of the 2004 election and she is writing about how the media was announcing the likelihood of John Kerry winning...these predictions based on faulty exit polls which even the poll's creator admitted was faulty since it depended on interviewing a large proportion of voters and that many of the pollsters were admittedly biased in favor of John Kerry. Denouncing the practice of depending on such silly polls to determine who is winning during an election, Ms. Coulter writes:

"There was also conspiracy theorist David Earnhardt's documentary Uncounted: The New Math of American Elections, which again took the exit polls as the fact-based control group that proved the actual voting results were a fraud and a hoax. You know what we need? We need a system even more reliable than an exit poll for determining how people want to vote. Maybe if we could get every voter to go into some sort of booth and cast a secret ballot..." (Last emphasis mine)

I just about died laughing when I read that paragraph!

If any of you have not read any of her books, I highly recommend them. I do, however, want to quickly share something I found very interesting. The book I read was one from the library, and as I was checking it out, the Circulation clerk noticed the title and author of the book. Since I've worked with her for a number of years, she felt free to comment on it and mentioned she just did not like Coulter...when I asked her why not she could not really say except to mention something about her reputation.

What is interesting to me is that this person has not read any of Ann Coulter's books and yet would be more than happy to read something by Al Franken, for example. How is it possible, however, to have such a low opinion of someone whose works you have not read? It really bothered me because those of us who are conservative in our politics are always made to seem so closed minded and even somewhat provincial. Yet I have actually read books by Al Franken and have watched the comedy show from which most 20 something year olds seem to get their news (the Daily Show, which "educated" people seem to think is NEWS!). Anyhow, this same person is one who professes Christ but voted for Barak Obama, the most pro-aboriton candidate I think I've ever encountered! Not that this means anything, since most "christians" who voted for him are equally unconcerned about actual Biblical issues like the sanctity of life, etc...

Well, since I have mentioned Obama, I'd may as well just add that while I certainly believe this administration will have a negative impact on our country, we should be happy tomorrow to celebrate what his election represents about what is good in our country. Despite the persistent accusations of racism in our country, tomorrow we shall have the first Black President of the United States of America. This is a good thing. It shows that America is not the country it was in the 1700's or the 1800's when being Black was so dangerous. It means that most of the country has finally accepted that we are all indeed created equal! And just so you know, when I say that I believe his administration will have a negative impact, I am not referring to economics or anything like that. Our economy may well improve, though whether it is due to his policies or the natural cycle of things will remain to be seen. When I talk about the negative impact, however, I refer to spiritual issues that have all too real effects upon us. Abortion for one. I fear we are about to enter an era of diminished protection for the unborn. Let us be sure to pray that this is not the case.

What can we do about this? The most important thing we can do, however, is to pray for the salvation of our President. May He experience the grace of God and come to know Christ as Lord and Savior of his life.

Nothing else would impact our nation more than that.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

It is kind of like those ads for high fructose corn syrup. The ones where someone is eating something with HFCS in it and some other well meaning person comes up and says, "Oh, well you know what they say about HFCS, right?"
The other person asks, "What?", and the first person is unable to answer out of their ignorance.
I have been guilty of this type of thinking in the past, but I am trying really hard to overcome it, to have the mind of Christ, and discern through scripture not public opinion. I am trying to teach my children to so so as well.
I will join you in praying for this new administration as I think they will need all the help they can get!