Monday, January 5, 2009

No Need for Christ in Christianity?

This morning I just finished reading Dr. Mohler's latest blog post. I highly recommend that everyone read this post, which you will find here.

After reading it, I was struck by how true his words are, and the report by that Pew Forum on Religion & Public Life. What I don't believe for even one minute is that those so-called Christians who reject the Biblical claim that there is no salvation without Jesus are actually Christians. If you read Dr. Mohler's blog you know what I'm talking about, but if you have not done so, he cites some statistics from the aforementioned Pew report, which show that 52% of American "Christians" and whopping 37% of supposed "evangelical Christians" reject the FACT that Jesus alone saves and that without Him there is no hope of heaven for anyone. Unfortunately, I know from personal experience that there are indeed many of these false Believers, for I work with a number of them. Ones who profess Christ as their Savior but deny that the Holy Scriptures which alone proclaim Him to us are actually the Word of God; ones who profess Jesus as the one they worship while denying His own claims to be the only One by which men can taste salvation. Even more troubling, I am related to some who think that Jesus' claim to be the only Way does not refer to salvation but to a way by which one might reach the judgment. In this view, Jesus is little more than a gatekeeper rather than the Gate itself! How such a view can be held in the face of the very context of that particular verse (John 14:6) is beyond my limited mental capacities!

So, yes, there are indeed those who reject just about any and all claims made by our Lord and Savior Jesus...and contrary to popular belief (ha ha), many if not most of those come from within the the form of the false convert or the deceiving one. But by no means can we say that they are truly saved.

Let me say this again...if you don't believe that faith in Jesus as Lord and Savior, as revealed in the Bible, is the only way to enter into heaven, then you are not a Christian!!! If you think you are, then my suggestion would be to open up that Bible and start reading it, not as a bunch of literature put together, but as God's Living Word. And don't look at one passage and think to yourself that you have found the answer, but compare it to the rest of Scripture. You think you are a Christian, so start to act like one and study His Word. If you begin to find that you have been deceived, then repent and truly be saved!

Praise God for men like Dr. Al Mohler, who stand for the faith without any compromise. Men like him and Dr. MacArthur deserve our prayers and our support...and may the Lord raise up young men to take their place when the time is right.

God Bless

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