Saturday, January 10, 2009

The Wolves Among Us

I first came across this video over at A Little Leaven. Based on some of what I wrote earlier about people who confidently describe themselvs as "christians" while denying His claim that nobody can be saved without Him, I thought I'd post this video and show how one of the great heroes of the emergent church views the Book upon which we base all that we know about Jesus!

I hope that all of you will have the opportunity to watch at least some of this video, and as you do so consider that this man, with his gentle demeanor and soothing voice is really a ravenous wolf full of deceit and in whom the Spirit does NOT dwell! Shocking isn't it? I readily admit that he is someone whom I would probably like (if I did not know of his heresies), and someone who is probably a lot more likeable than I am to a whole lot of people. And yet unless he repents of his sin and truly follows Jesus as Lord and Savior of his life...he is nothing but a walking corpse.

Watch the video and compare what he says to what the Word of God says!

Well...I could not get the video to embed here, so instead I'm posting it as a apologies for this, but please follow the link to see Marcus Borg discuss his [warped] views on the Bible!

Here is the LINK


Lydia Lee said...

What frightening views were put forth in this video! And even more frightening that he so confidently speaks as though they were truth! If he actually believes what he says about the Bible, how can he possibly believe that the Bible has any power or relevance in believers' lives today? It's so full of contradictions ...

Zorn Family said...

Wow! I agree with you Lydia-
"even more frightening that he so confidently speaks as though they were the truth!" Sad that he says "mainline" churches agree with him-in my experience this isn't true, but I do see that people could follow his beliefs. This being that people don't want to take the Bible literally because then they see how they are living in sin. If they change it and say it's not literal, then they can feel ok with doing whatever they want. Very scary, this heresy.

Enoch_Elijah said...

When I heard him speak of "mainline" churches my initial thought was that if he represents mainline thinking then there is a vast difference between "mainline" and TRUE Christianity! :)

This does indeed serve to illustrate the truth of which Jesus spoke when He said that the narrow gate is the one which we must enter through, and that "wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it." (Matthew 7:13)

Sad to say, MOST people who think they are Christians are not, and it is the foolishness of modern day preachers that leads to this deception. Instead of teaching the Word they teach a false system of coming to salvation, where all you need is one simple prayer. Doesn't matter to them whether you mean it or not, they've done their jobs if they get you to utter a prayer that is meaningless if it is not meant sincerely. Some of these pastors will even pray the prayer for you and say if you assent to what they just said then you are saved!

And we wonder why people would be deceived by fools like this Marcus Borg!