Sunday, January 4, 2009

A New Year of Sword Tagging!

Well yesterday we had our first sword tagging event of 2009! Seven boys attended, unfortunately no dads. Well, I was there of course, but I always am! :)

I normally post the Bible lesson of the day, but yesterday we did not have a traditional Bible lesson; more of a discussion of a passage in Scripture. The Scipture was the following one:

“You have heard that it was said, ‘An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth.’ But I tell you not to resist an evil person. But whoever slaps you on your right cheek, turn the other to him also. If anyone wants to sue you and take away your tunic, let him have your cloak also. 41 And whoever compels you to go one mile, go with him two."
- Matthew 5:38-41

Our discussion was about how we are to interpret the first part of these verses...the who turning the cheek thing. In light of the fact that for two hours we whack at each other with mock swords, I thought it appropriate for us to look at this and discuss it! :)

Now, we all know that there are those who will use this passage to say that Christians should allow themselves to be mistreated by anyone and for any reason. There are some who say that Christian obedience compels us to be beaten and not defend ourselves. While some who say these things are dear brothers and sisters, it seems interesting to me that many of those who have said it to me are not even Believers! think maybe they like the idea of having a group of people to push around without any fear? Yeah, me too.

But anyhow, what the boys and I discussed was how exactly we are to live this teaching out today. One of the boys, when I asked the question, immediately said "I'ts talking about revenge." All I can say, is wow. Out of the mouths of babes, right? This is exactly what the context is. The whole eye for an eye and tooth for a tooth thing was the tribal view of revenge. Someone takes out your eye, take out theirs, AND their other eye while you are at it. Jesus, however, is saying revenge is not ours to take. He, of course, knew the Father had already told Isreal that vengeance belonged to Him (see Deuteronomy 32:35)!

In fact, to help these young men understand, I asked them what they would do if someone were attacking their sisters. All of them said they would defend her, which is correct. To defend yourself or someone else is not wrong. To afterwards seek them out to do them harm is a sin. For that is called revenge. And just to make sure they did not misunderstand, I told them that this has nothing to do with government, which has been granted the sword by God. This is talking about individuals. Now, in most cases, it is easy to walk away if someone wants trouble with you. Walking away is the right thing to do. Even if you are struck, it is sometimes still the better thing to walk away. Forget foolish pride. But we all know that there comes a time when we must stand and fight. The Christian is not in sin for defending himself against a brutal and merciless attacker. Nor is he wrong to step in to assist when a weaker one is being attacked.

This, then, is what we discussed yesterday. Like I said, not necessarily a Bible study, but a good Bible discussion. The boys all participated and commented and it is good to see young men wanting to know more of the Word. I don't know for sure that all of them are necessarily Believers, but I teach as if they are and trust that the Word is indeed able to pierce them and draw them to Himself.

Injuries? Of course. Knuckles scraped as usual, accidental head shots too. I myself was hit on the head pretty hard by one boy. My head still hurst this morning! But don't worry, he'll get his next month! Oh wait...never mind, I almost forgot what I'd just typed! :)


Zorn Family said...

This is great! I learned something today. It's interesting that I was just listening to someone talk about this passage the other day, but in the context that many people get wrong-as you were pointing out. Thanks for sharing this.

Enoch_Elijah said...

You are welcome, and thanks for the encouragement!

Anonymous said...

I remember right after the lesson I decided to go take revenge on a few people for killing me. ;)

Enoch_Elijah said...

Ha Ha! :)