Monday, July 14, 2008

"A Shepherd Looks At Psalm 23" by Phillip Keller

ISBN# 0-310-21435-1

I have already posted some of what I've read in this book so I will be making this review a short one. Suffice to say that I HIGHLY and without any reservations recommend this book! Especially to anyone going through rough times...I guarantee that this book will help you through such times. And I do not mean by this that one should read this book instead of the Bible...far from it. Only that you read it as well. It is guaranteed to take you right back to the Word and make you ponder with more care the Truth of God's Sovereignty and of His wonderful care for you.

What Mr. Keller does in this fabulous book is to take Psalm 23 and explain it verse by verse, using his vast experience in working with sheep to provide an intimate look at what David the shepherd was referring to as he penned these words under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit. Having grown up in East Africa and having been a shepherd for many years as well as a lay pastor, Mr. Keller does a remarkable job of brining this psalm into our modern times.

Throughout his book I found myself inspired, encouraged, and exhorted. Was I feeling sad? The book instead helped me to take the focus off myself and place it on Him, on appreciating the care with which He is comforting me even in the midst of trials and tribulations that have come close to knocking me down. In fact, one of the most awesome passages comes from the second to last chapter, in which he is discussing "surely goodness and mercy shall follow me..."

After having explained how a good shepherd cares for his flock, and having made the connection to how God cares for us as His sheep, Mr. Keller says the following:

"The sheep with such a shepherd knows of a surety that his is a privileged position. No matter what comes, at least and always he can be perfectly sure that goodness and mercy will be in the picture. He reassures himself that he is ever under sound, sympathetic intelligent, ownership. What more need he care about? Goodness and mercy will be the treatment he receives from his master's expert hands.

Not only is this a bold statement, but it is somewhat of a boast, an exclamation of implicit confidence in the One who controls his career and destiny.

How many Christians actually feel this way about Christ? How many of us are truly concerned that no matter what occurs in our lives we are being followed by goodness and mercy? Of course it is very simple to speak this way when things are going well. If my health is excellent; my income is flourishing; my family is well; and my friends are fond of me it is not hard to say "Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life."

But what about when one's body breaks down? What do I say when I stand by helpless, as I have had to do, and watch a life partner die by degrees under appalling pain? What is my reaction when my job folds up and there is no money to meet bills? What happens if my children can't make their grades in school or get caught running with the wrong gang? What do I say when suddenly, without good grounds, friends prove false and turn against me?

These are the sort of times that test a person's confidence in the care of Christ. These are the occasions during which the chips are down and life is more than a list of pious platitudes. When my little world is falling apart and the dream castles of my ambitions and hopes crumble into ruins can I honestly declare "Surely--yes---surely--goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life"? Or is this sheer humbug and a maddening mockery?"

Wow. These words pierced my soul! "When my little world is falling apart ambitions and hopes crumble into ruins..." This is EXACTLY where I feel myself to be! My pride has crumbled, my hopes of spending the rest of my life in the same job, of one day being the director of my place of employment...all of this has crumbled before my very eyes. All of this ambition has seen its end. What makes matters worse is that I don't know that I could have done anything to prevent this! So at this do I react? Believe it or not, by clinging to His promises! By clinging to His love. By knowing that He is my God and His will be done and His name be glorified in all things, whether through my restoration or my humiliation. And this is not easy to write. Nor was it an easy place to come to.

And this is why I highly recommend "A Shepherd Looks At Psalm 23" by Phillip Keller. After the wonderful Word of our Lord, his book helped me come to a place where I can say as the psalmist did, "surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life."

So hurry up and read it! :)

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